Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You have changed my life Dom, thank you.

As an incredibly sad reality sets in, with the passing of an incredible person, Dominic Fugareu, we must try to look at the positivity this incredible boy has brought to our lives. I'm talking about how as a community he brought us together in prayer and positive thinking. He got most if not all of us thinking about how fragile our lives on earth are, how we should take advantage of all the opportunities that present themselves to us and not to fret the small things because in the end they do not matter in the slightest. I did not personally know Dom, but I do know this, he had an incredible charisma about him and whenever I had the pleasure of seeing him in the corridors he was sporting his friendly and inviting smile. Dom's life has affected me in more ways than one, even though I did not experience the pleasure of knowing him personally, his story has made me think long and hard about my life and how I live day-to-day. I know that I cannot possibly be the only one he has touched like this. Dom, you are an inspiration to all and have touched so many lives, thank you.
With Love
Matthew Bradshaw
You can read up about Dom's story here: http://ourfrienddom.wordpress.com